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Our Collection


Handmade Products

All of our products are handmade by the owner with intention for a collective well being. We aim to create products that encourage cozy, warm and peaceful energy in your personal spaces. Products that you don't have to question or google the ingredients and you can indulge with peace of mind.


Natural Ingredients

What makes us stand out above the rest is the intention behind choosing to use natural ingredients. We aim to keep our products as clean as possible, for your mind and body as well as your environment. Vonny Made candles are used with natural soy wax, minimal to no preservatives or additives. Our lips balms are made using natural body butters such as cocoa, shea butter with 100% beeswax and essential oils.


Woman Owned

Vonny Made is a woman owned business.

Explore the Collection


Woman Owned


Hand Crafted


Custom Designed


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